Bluestacks for MAC can be downloaded from either or by Clicking here to download the Bluestacks.Bluestacks automatically takes up the internet connected to the Guest OS hence no need of configuring anything!.moreover Push Notifications of app installed in Bluestacks are pushed directly to the host OS, hence you can use chat applications like whatsapp and the MAC Os simultaneously and smoothly!.
#Where to find free pc emulator for mac os x apk#
apk files can be installed into Bluestacks from guest OS itself, simply by double-clicking, as well as the apps can be launched directly from the MAC dashboard! Also Bluestacks contains inbuilt search manager which allows you to install any apk within itself.Bluestacks AppPlayer is probably the Best Android Emulator available because it uses the unique “LayerCake” technology which allows android OS apps to be emulated and run without requiring an external Virtual Desktop App whatsoever.Macintosh OS or popularly known as Mac OS used by Apple on its Mac PC’s and Macbook’s is an awesome OS, with its awesome user interface, and great features, wouldn’t it be more awesome if we are able to run Android on Mac os.? like WhatsApp on mac os, yes it’s possible by these unique Android Emulators, so let’s have a look on these 3 best Android Emulator for Mac OS’sīluestacks App Player Android Emulator for Mac OS